Iris Nebula - NGC 7023

NGC 7023, known as the Iris Nebula, is a reflection nebula situated approximately 1,300 light-years away in the constellation Cepheus. This celestial gem, with its delicate blue hues, resembles the petal of an iris flower, leading to its evocative name.

The Iris Nebula spans about 6 light-years across and is illuminated by the young, bright star SAO 19158 situated at its core. The star's light reflects off the surrounding dust and gas, giving the nebula its characteristic blue glow. The darker regions within NGC 7023 are comprised of interstellar dust, which blocks the light from stars and nebulae behind it, creating intricate patterns and adding depth to its appearance.

This nebula offers a captivating study in stellar beginnings. The dense pockets within it are potential sites for new star formation, marking NGC 7023 as not just a canvas of beauty but also a crucible of stellar birth.

Image Details

📷 Exposure (L, R, G, B)
L, bin 1, 80 x 120s, 35x 60s
R, bin 1, 100 x 120s
G, bin 1, 100 x 120s
B, bin 1, 100 x 120s

🔭 Equipment
Mount: RainbowAstro RST-150H 
Telescope: Refractor TS86SDQ
Camera: QSI 6120  (Sony ICX834 sensor) 
Guidescope: 130mm mini guide scope 
Guiding camera: StarShoot AutoGuider

💻 Software: 
(Windows 10) Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2, ASCOM drivers
(Mac OSX) PixInsight

Bright suburban light pollution, Class 6 of darkness in Bortle scale.