Whirlpool Galaxy - M51

M51, often dubbed the Whirlpool Galaxy, is a classic example of a spiral galaxy undergoing interaction with a neighboring smaller galaxy, NGC 5195. Located in the constellation Canes Venatici, it sits approximately 23 million light-years from Earth. The Whirlpool's beautifully defined spiral arms, which are enhanced by the gravitational dance with its companion, offer an exceptional view of a galactic merger in action.

With a diameter spanning around 60,000 light-years, M51 is a vibrant hub of cosmic activity. The forces exerted by NGC 5195 have ignited waves of star formation, resulting in bright clusters of young stars and glowing nebulae scattered throughout its arms. Furthermore, the intricate dust lanes and patterns evident within the galaxy serve as a testament to the dynamic processes happening within.

For stargazers and amateur astronomers, M51 is a popular target, not just for its beauty but also as a visual lesson in the influence of gravitational interactions on galactic evolution. When observed under a telescope, the Whirlpool Galaxy presents a mesmerizing sight, a swirling canvas of stars, gas, and dust.

Image Details

📷 Exposure (Ha, L, R, G, B) - 10h
L, bin 1, 50x 180s
R, bin 1, 35x 180s
G, bin 1, 35x 180s
B, bin 1, 35x 180s
Ha, bin 1, 14x 600s

🔭 Equipment
Refractor TS86SDQ, 86 mm aperture, 450 mm focal length
Mount RainbowAstro RST-150H
QSI 6120 (Sony ICX834 sensor)
QHY mini guide scope
Orion StarShoot AutoGuider (guide camera)
Primalucelab Sesto Senso focuser
Primalucelab Eagle2 computer

💻 Software: 
(Windows 10) Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2, SkySafari, ASCOM drivers
(Mac OSX) PixInsight

Lausanne, Switzerland
Bright suburban light pollution, Class 6 of darkness in Bortle scale.